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[스타크래프트] 에너지 생명체(Energy Creature) 스펙글
투명드래곤 | L:0/A:0
LV7 | Exp.28% | 경험치획득안내[필독]
추천 0 | 조회 551 | 작성일 2015-10-18 16:06:28
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[스타크래프트] 에너지 생명체(Energy Creature) 스펙글

이름: 에너지 생명체(Energy Creature)


등장소설: 스타크래프트 소설 '젤나가의 그림자', '암흑 기사 연대기(The Dark Templar Saga)'에 등장


첫 등장은 젤나가의 그림자 소설이며, 베카 로 행성에서 에드먼드 듀크 휘하의 전투순양함에서 발사한 3기의 핵 에너지에 반응해 젤나가 사원에 잠들어 있던 것이 처음 튀어나왔다. 그래서 스타 커뮤니티에서는 에너지 생명체를 젤나가가 만든 피조물로 추정하고 있다.

에너지 생명체의 외향에 대한 묘사로는 이러하다.

-소설 젤나가의 그림자(Shadow Of The Xel'Naga) pdf 버전 99페이지-

With a squidlike form of incandescent energy barely held within a luminous organic skin, the real
creature, a glorious being, emerged from the broken shards of its cocoon. It rose like a phoenix made of
giant feathery wings, grasping tentacles, and blazing suns for eyes.
Koronis stood watching the wondrous beast. It looked unlike anything he had ever seen, and yet there
was nothingwrongabout it. The creature combined elements of Terran butterfly and jellyfish and sea
anemone. This being had a purity of purpose that seemed to reach a pinnacle higher than either the
Protoss or the Zerg, which were the Xel'Naga's other primary creations.


오징어 모양의 눈부시게 빛나는 에너지가 투명한 유기체 피부에 싸인 진정한 생명체의 영광스러운 모습이 깨진 고치 속에서 드러났다. 생명체는 거대한 깃털로 된 날개와 굽은 비늘 그리고 태양처럼 빛나는 눈을 가진 불사조의 모습을 하고 있었다. 하나의 흠도 발견할 수없는 완벽 그 자체였다. 괴물은 테란의 나비와 해파리, 말미잘을 합친 모습이었다. 이 생명체는 젤나가의 처음 창조물인 프로토스나 저그보다 훨씬 월등한 생명체라는 걸 잘 알 수 있었다.

-젤나가의 그림자 pdf 버젼 99~100페이지-

The awakened entity moved quickly, rising out of the shattered chrysalis and hovering over the
battlefield. Koronis felt as if he were a part of it. The creature sang a telepathic melody, a song written by
the long-dead Xel'Naga, infused with a throbbing resonance that felt attuned to every strand of his DNA.
But Koronis sensed that he and his Protoss were not here just as observers. This phoenix monster
needed him, and it needed the Zerg. They were resources to complete its grand metamorphosis. The
buried cocoon had been placed here aeons ago, growing, incubating, waiting . . . until now.
A typhoon of wind and carefully targeted lightning bolts flew around the rising creature like a fury, and it
struck out in a kaleidoscope of color across the battlefield. The Protoss and the Zerg stood helpless as
the Xel'Naga-spawned being flashed them all with its high-powered scanning beams, disintegrating and
absorbing them, gathering up their genetics, all the thoughts and souls of these other children of the
Xel'Naga. The area for miles around glowed, not with nuclear radiation, but with a seething backwash of life force.
Now more than the sum of its parts, the magnificent phoenix creature rose through the sky, tearing apart
clouds and turning them hot and orange. The adult life-form ascended into space, leaving behind the
destruction and the shell of its chrysalis in the blasted mountainside.
On its way it encountered the few remaining Alpha Squadron Battlecruisers in orbit.
Already on edge, knowing that the ground forces had been wiped out in the titanic three-way battle
around the artifact, the captain of the wounded BattlecruiserNapoleonopened fire with a blast of his
Yamato gun. Seeing the dazzling creature hurtling toward him like a hurricane, he had no time—or
desire—to wait for orders from General Duke down in his command center in Free Haven.
The captains of the other Battlecruisers came to the same conclusion. Yamato guns fired at the oncoming
phoenix-thing, unwittingly increasing the being's biological power reservoirs. It glowed brighter, hotter. . . .
And as it swept past, the newborn entity vaporized, absorbed, and digested the Terran battleships,
drinking their power, leaving only sparkling chunks of molten debris, which flash-froze in the cold vacuum of space.
Then it engulfed and absorbed the Zerg and Protoss secondary forces that had remained in reserve above the planet.
Finally sated and eager to begin its new life, the strange blazing creature departed from its aeons-long
home of Bhekar Ro and soared off through the Void into the vast and unexplored gulf between the stars.


에너지 생명체들은 먼저 빔을 통한 스캔으로 대상을 파악한 후 빔으로 다시 그냥 흡수해서 다 먹는다.

소설 '젤나가의 그림자'에서, 이 유아 에너지 생명체는 자치령 유령 요원의 핵폭발의 자극으로 인하여 깨어나게 되고, 이 프로토스나 저그보다도 우월한 이 에너지 생명체는 프로토스고, 저그고, 테란이고 다 흡수해서 에너지원으로 써먹는다.

그리고는 우주 공간으로 날아가, 알파 전대에서 발사한 야마토 포를 모조리 생명 에너지로 변환하여 흡수한 후, 전투순양함 같은 질량체마저도 에너지로 바꿔 흡수하는 모습을 보여준다. 전투순양함도 세 대 정도 먹고 떠난다.

그런데 이게 유아체다.

-소설 암흑기사 연대기 pdf 버전 119~120 페이지-

Even though the energy creature appeared to have a clear purpose, it seemed to dance as it flew rather than heading on a laser-straight path. Despite the urgency of the situation, Zeratul‘s heart lifted as he followed.
His delight turned to momentary confusion when suddenly his screen was crowded with dozens of blips with readings identical to the creature whose trail he was following. It had to be a malfunction. Perhaps there was some sort of echo that— A few moments later, Zeratul stared in wide-eyed astonishment at what he was able to see with his own eyes. There were indeed dozens—perhaps hundreds—of the luminous, vaguely-aquatic, wholly mysterious creatures swirling and dancing and diving together. For a long time, this glowing ritual was enacted, and Zeratul simply watched. He enjoyed the feeling of humility that rose in him as he witnessed this spectacle. He knew that if he survived what Zamara feared was coming he would enjoy the feeling again. Abruptly, as if from an unheard signal, they all became very still. Zeratul waited, watching. And then, more swiftly than his vision could even register, they began to whirl. Faster and faster they flew until they became a blur of glowing movement, growing brighter and brighter still until the dark templar was forced to narrow his eyes and then finally shield them. A blast of light made him jerk with pain and he closed his eyes for a moment. Cautiously he opened them. The energy creatures were gone. In their place was a hole in the very fabric of space—a tunnel, a worm hole, outlined in shining light, its center dark and mysterious and beckoning with the exception of a single world, barely glimpsed, waiting on the other side. Zeratul knew he could no more refrain from entering that mysterious doorway than he could stop his skin from absorbing nutrients from the cosmos. He was a protoss, and though he knew and understood and practiced intelligent caution, his curiosity would not let him be. He calmed his thoughts, although in truth he was almost quivering with excitement. He would need all his wits about him if what awaited him on that world was not benevolent. For a moment, he forced himself to be still, to go within, and when he was ready, Zeratul moved slowly, steadily toward the wormhole. What was on the other side, he somehow knew, be it beautiful and wonderful or horrific and destructive, would change everything.


제라툴은 자마라가 말한 아직 남아있는 젤나가 사원을 찾아 페가수스 행성에 도착했고, 거기서 막 부화한 에너지 생명체를 보게 된다.

이후, 제라툴은 그 에너지 생명체를 쫓아갔는데, 그 곳에는 우주 곳곳으로부터 모인 에너지 생명체가 떼거지로 모여있었다.

그들은 점점 빠르게 움직이며 빛을 발하다니 웜홀 하나를 남기고 전부 사라져 버렸다.

그리고 제라툴은 그 웜홀 안으로 들어갔다.


공격력 : 딱히 공격력이랄 건 없다. 하지만 그냥 에너지로 변환해서 질량체고 에너지체고 뭐고 다 흡수해서 먹는다.

방어력 : 에너지 생명체 자체가 에테르체라, 질량병기로는 데미지를 줄 수 없다. 따라서 데미지를 줄려면 에너지 공격을 해야하는데, 에너지 크리쳐는 한계(한계가 어디까지인지는 아직 안나옴. 하지만 젤나가의 피조물로 파악되는 거 보면 한계선은 대략 추정 가능)선까지는 생명에너지로 변환해 역으로 먹고 더 성장한다.

속도 : 속도는 불명이다. 다만 에너지 생명체가 점점 빠르게 움직이며 빛을 발했다고 하면서 웜홀을 생성하여 이동하는 걸 보니, 웜홀을 생성하는 건 가능한 듯, 그리고 우주 공간을 이동할 수 있는 만큼 웬만한 함선급의 속도는 나올 것으로 추정.



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