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카가미 료스케
Ryousuke Kagami , 各務 亮介
최근수정 2021-02-23 02:46:23
랭킹: 10880위 -10 인기도: 2,000 프리미엄: 146 감정가: 768
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성별 : 남성
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키/몸무게 : 

Ryousuke Kagami Yoshihito's classmate and Wataru's older brother. He has a bit of a playboy-type personality but only has eyes for Yoshihito. After he confesses on Valentine's Day, he and Yoshihito decide to be friends, but he has trouble pinpointing exactly what Yoshihito seems to think "friends" means. He is also a member of the judo club, but quit after he accidentally injured Wataru while sparring.

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